Exit and Entrance Conference w/ COA
RTC-Iligan / 2023-03-14The RTC-Iligan hosted the Exit and Conference with the Commission on Audit (COa) Iligan last March 14, 2023. This event was aimed at discussing the findings and recommend. The event was attended by Zenia P. Omandam, Regional Supervising Auditor/State Auditor IV, Abdul Jamie M. Lomondot, Lead Auditor/State Auditor III, Roevel Franz C. Alvarico, Audit Team Member, Maynard C. Jumawan, LNNAIS Vocational School Administrator II, Victoria E. Mirador, Acting Center Administrator of RTC-Iligan, and other COA and RTC-Iligan Personnel.
EO 79 Graduation Ceremony, EIM NC II
Pantar, Lanao del Norte / 2023-03-07RTC-Iligan conducted a graduation ceremony to 25 Decommissioned combatants of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II under the Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) at Pantao Ranao, Pantar, Lanao del Norte.
DTI Entrepreneurship Training
RTC-Iligan / 2023-03-31The Department of Trade and Industry-Iligan City conducted an entrepreneurship training program for the employees of Regional Training Center-Iligan last March 31, 2023 at Regional Training Center-Iligan. The program was intended to equip the trainers with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct Entrepreneurship Development Training to TESDA program graduates, enabling them to improve their financial standing through self-employment or wage employment. The training aimed to empower aspiring trainees by providing them with the essential tools and expertise required to establish and manage their own businesses.
Conduct of Skills Training in Produce Organic Concoction and Extracts
BJMP Iligan, Tipanoy, Iligan City / 2023-04-17Last April 17-21, 2023, the Regional Training Center-Iligan headed by Ms. Victoria E. Mirador, conducted a Community Based Training in Produce Organic Concoction and Extracts Leading to Organic Agriculture Production NC II to the 25 Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL).